Saturday, December 3, 2011

Still no riding

Still haven't really had time, or been hale enough, to get a leg over that horses back lately.

There's been lots of rain and some snow, frost every morning, cold air and burning lungs. On top of the bleh weather, I've been working with pulled muscles in my back and bruises on my feet from boots not meant for working, but mostly waterproof. And then yesterday I gave myself a rather nasty cut across the bottom corner of my palm, was little, but I got to watch my skin split apart like a tomato skin when dropped in hot water. But, it's nice and closed up and only hurts a little. :)

Anyways, today's supposed to be about 50 F out, and I don't think I can stand it much longer, may sneak out and go for a ride around noon or so.

For an update on animal health: Puppy is still itchy, but not as itchy as he was. Fully on a grain free diet now, I even found grain free treats at walmart.

Greedy has stopped vomiting, thanks to a grain free diet for her, too.

Siaga's looking quite well, thanks to higher quality hay.

For those of you with problems in your animals, look to their diet and see what, exactly, they are taking in. It's a little expensive to put your cats and dogs on grain free, but Taste of the Wild, available at TSC, is pretty comparable to Blue Buffalo's Wilderness feeds and not as horribly expensive, and even made with purified water. If you go on BB website and compare your current dog or cat food to the BB brand, you see just how much grain based foods are lacking and how much extra fillers and junk are in the chow your giving them.

I greatly suggest going grain free for cats and dogs, they love the grain free foods and it's SO much healthier and if they have health problems, like Greedy's vomiting or Helden's itchies, it may even help fix the problems.

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