Tuesday, February 15, 2011


There is a possibility that I will get to go see Siaga on Friday, to help with the farrier experience. Poor guy's like a kid with the doctor. He gets so nervous about it, but I don't really know what to do, other than go there myself on Friday, if I can find a ride, give him a good lunge and workout before hand, and get the farrier to do his business in the indoor, Siaga's stall, or the round pen, if it's not too muddy, though it probably will be.

Siaga also has issues with cross ties, and I'm pretty sure that that is what they put him in when they work his feet, so that doesn't help. I think being in a comfortable, familiar place, after a working up a nice sweat, with me rubbing all those endorphin glands on his face, will help. I hope.

Also, I'm going to watch the farrier work a few horses feet if I can, especially as much of Siaga's as I can, so that I have a general idea of what I'm doing, just to keep his hooves relatively up to date and filed down, that way he doesn't have to have them trimmed as much each time, which will make the process quicker and less of a hassle.

What a pain in the butt he is.

But I love him anyways.

1 comment:

  1. Was out there today and there is standing water and ice EVERYWHERE and horses haven't been turned out in weeks. =(
